Sunday, May 23, 2010

May Edition

Rather than making excuses, again, I'll just finally 'fess up:

I kind of suck at blogging.

I think I'm alright with the actual production of posts, but I just cannot seem to do it with any regularity. So, let's embrace the sporadic nature of inspiration and impulse, and move on.

A few things that have happened in the last month:

Six inches of snow on April 29th.
It was just as stupid and bizarre as it looks.

My Max got his B.A., finally.

My little sister (who happens to be taller than me)
(yeah, I finally admitted it, shut up, Olivia)
turned 16.
[And took advantage of the opportunity
by requesting a very strange combination of dishes.]

Some other stuff happened, but I don't have photos of those, and I'm tired of talking about myself.

Check out my new obsession, ColourLovers. I even made a thingie for my blog.
It's over here somewhere.

'til next time,
