Sunday, January 31, 2010

Wish List

Today I'll just be sharing some images of a few things I wish I possessed. This post started as a rather straightforward wish list, a few objects I would like to hunt down for myself someday. But then the list took on a new character, and now I'm left with a thoroughly disjointed, if beautiful, collection. I guess my New Years' mentality still hasn't worn off, or maybe it's just that the future is on my mind all the time now. Exciting things are happening, and I hope to share those with you soon. For now, a peek into my greedy little head:

a bookbook macbook cover. Brilliant, no?
via Oh Joy

a bold, colorful light fixture in the kitchen. This is totally trendy right now, I know...
but I think it's the type of trend that will be adored by the grandkids,
perceived as emblematic of the times. And shouldn't we embrace those trends?

a cheap, lovely trip abroad,
ala English Muse. Will definitely be taking her advice
and visiting VRBO when the time is right.

a chic home that flawlessly balances the sheen and glamour
of the modern, the nostalgia and whimsy of the past, and the raw beauty of nature.

finally, the confidence and character displayed by this man.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Lines & Shapes

I am longing for these beautifully bound collections of loosely themed works from various artists. Launched in February of 2008, there are 10 volumes so far, each more stunning and fascinating than the last. I love seeing the widely varied interpretations of such common words as 'Break', 'Pair', or 'Blur'. I can't imagine the endless inspiration and wonder they'd inspire up close.

a preview of 'Blur', my personal favorite

Visit Oh Joy! to enter the drawing for the complete set! Or, better yet, don't, and cross your fingers for me.

Dreamily yours,


Monday, January 18, 2010

Co-ed vs. Chic?

Since first stumbling upon the blogosphere my horizons have been broadened, my tastes expanded, and my brain is now full up to the brim with beautiful words and images... and now, suddenly, I'm experiencing my first negative side effect: TOO MUCH PRETTY.

the dream of a fragile dress on a creamy wall

Let me step back and explain.

a wall of old photos and pretty things in antique frames
via sweethomestyle

In six or seven months I will be making my first move out on my own, ish. My boyfriend will also be there, in my new as-yet-unknown accommodations, and this is where my problem lies. Well, wait, that came out wrong. I can't wait to be living with my boyfriend, and making a lovely home for the two of us... but where do I draw the line with all the lovely and the pretty? Where will his video games and gadgets and other boyish nonsense go? I somehow doubt that he'll want to stash his PS2 in a vintage suitcase.

mm, I've already started collecting these beauties -- just one so far, but it's burgundy!

Everywhere I look, there's tones of pink and beige and ivory, heaps of pearls and tapestries and gauze, and there is that part of me that refuses to believe I won't have my own oasis of femininity. This part of me even feels occasional resentment toward this wonderful boy, for depriving me of the romantic boudoir of my daydreams. Clearly, this is insanity, because without him there would be no romance.

this one's a little too girly even for me
via sweethomestyle

I have found a few images (see below) of co-ed but chic spaces to aspire to, but does anyone out there have any recommendations for inspiration? I'm floundering in a sea of lace and baubles, help!
the portrait's a little over the top, but I love the couch among all those neutrals
via sweethomestyle

it is one of my life goals to own a screen as perfect as this one


Monday, January 11, 2010

Holiday Digest

I'm happy to say that 2010 has started off beautifully, apart from my slacking blog-wise. No excuses, though -- only photographic evidence of a few joys that have prevented me from posting sooner.

Christmas morning

Christmas afternoon: my sister

Christmas night

playful skiing adventures
(Robert Frost's cabin! Just five minutes away)

a quieter moment

new snow

That's all for now, I think. It may be a few more days before I feel indoorsy enough to post anything substantial.

Until then,
